Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Great Disappointment

William Miller led a movement of Christian believers in the 1840’s who attempted to determine the date of Christ’s return. It splintered on Oct 22nd 1844 when He did not. Out of the unbelievable disappointment, enlightenment was received and rekindled an understanding of mans relationship with God. The Christian church was challenging itself to return to a stricter adherence to the law of God. Understanding that law, and adhering to it, might have kept the church in Gods favor. Christians today may think they are doing Gods will, but I believe you are wrong.

Some may dismiss my remarks because you are familiar with my belief that the scripture is not inspired but is a human endeavor to understand the will of God. My belief, “inspired” by logic, disqualifies the need for a savior but that is another days subject.

Recently, I submitted this very post to the "Religion" page of the local newspaper. That forum affords testimony to be given by the followers of Jesus who think one of two things. He did away with the law and/or diluted it. By dying for our sins, and becoming the only avenue for forgiveness, he inserts the insinuation of accountability after death. Judgment commencing at a later date for spiritual sins allows the Christian community the lackluster activity of setting aside “spiritual” law due to the inability to enforce what is not our responsibility to enforce. Sure, crimes against each other we enforce by allowing a secular entity to do so. During the days of Moses, the law had a spiritual quotient to it. Understanding that could bring the Christian church back to God and save this country.

One would first have to know who or what God is. Christians have come up with the Trinity theology to support their need to be saved. Saving could not happen otherwise. Christians readily acknowledge that God is a spirit. Early “inspired” humans say God wrote with His own finger that you should have no other Gods before Him. Now that’s just silly. You mean to tell me there are more “gods” than God. Would these “gods” be at odds with the Hebrew/Christian God? Are they benevolent entities, as “our” God is? If not, would there be more war in heaven should their power be equal to His. Please, do not comment that I do not understand the first commandment, I do. I digress and was a bit sarcastic only to show my belief there is but one God and that He has given us the opportunity to benefit from the observations (read inspirations, if you must) of ancient writers who came up with a set of laws, which when adhered to can benefit civilization to the extent that heaven on earth is possible. The opposite is true with out it. What a disappointment that would be. The law is that set of principles, better defined as the manual for human existence. Inside you will find how to live your life, which includes but not limited to, what to eat, when to work, what to give, and how to live with yourself and others. Save your Christian country and return to your God. B.C.

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