Friday, December 19, 2008


Some of my colleagues in the conservative movement are a bit surprised with the makeup of the cabinet that president-elect Obama has assembled and I think I am understating their relief. I would, however, suggest reservation and concern, considering his political calculations seem all to evident, supported by his own words and his most recent assignments that make up his energy team. Sadly, those selections seem to undercut his promise to bring a “new voice” to the debate on environmental issues. It troubles me because the team is a group of environmental spiritualists who seem hell bent on spreading their religious twaddle into the market place, supported not by demand or need that necessitates supply, but by taxpayer money creating so-called “green jobs”, the like of which will have disastrous affects on an already flailing economy.

Carol Browner, EPA administer under Bill Clinton for seven years and a legislative director for Al Gore, as well as being his chief researcher and writer of his stupid manifesto “Earth in the Balance” will have great influence as energy and climate czar. Lisa Jackson, a protégée of Brower, will head up EPA and implement their radical agenda. Most worrisome is Mr. Obama’s choice as energy secretary. While Steven Chu is a Nobel Prize winner in physics, his work in laser technology might be better applied at Defense or State as an advisor. Being a hobbyist with a personal interest in “global warming” (depending on the year, read climate change) makes him no more, and probably less qualified than a science junky and weather guru like our own Anthony Watts. Alluding to coal as being the problem, Mr. Chu is an advocate for the elimination of this valuable resource, except for maybe a few lumps in each of our stockings. One needs only to consider our compound dependency on coal and its inexpensive cost compared to any other known form of energy to realize Steven Chu is the wrong man for the job.

As the state of California considers loopholes in ways to add burdensome regulation and taxation to the backs of its citizens, the last thing we need is a dictatorial environmental wacko messiah from the federal government with a new years resolution to destroy the economy that is already frozen solid. One can only pray for a small bit of that “global warming”. But hey, you all voted for change.

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