Sunday, April 4, 2010


It is Easter 2010. I think for all Christians, and I include myself within that group, this holiday is one of the greatest weekends in history. Most significant, I assert. But what of 2010? How is this Easter any different or more important? In my small world it is, for one reason. For folks around this world who happened to have graduated from High School in 1970, it is theirs, and my 40th class reunion. Now, I included Easter in my proclamation, not to complain, but just to state in passing, that such a family oriented holiday would be the choice of organizers of an event such as a 40th class reunion. However, at Rio Lindo Academy, every year is the same. That is to say, that all classes show up, and that has been the way since the beginning in 1962. But there are highlight classes and one of those this year, was the class of ‘70. There were suggestions, by those doing diligence to detail, that we could start reconnecting on Facebook. I have to say that after creating my “wall” on Facebook, not only have I reconnected with classmates, but long lost friends around the world. It makes me feel a bit sad and guilty that I was not able to attend the “big event” and likely lost something I can never get back and that I would have cherished for the rest of my life. But I’ll look on the bright side, I’ve found Facebook and many of those friends are starting to rekindle old friendships and I intend to continue with that endeavor.

One of the difficulties you encounter when you have not spoken to a particular friend in twenty, thirty, and in some cases, forty years is that said friend has grown, matured, and been subjected to ideas and influences quite differently than one’s own. There become formulated, considered or calculated, spiritual or political, opinions that by the age of fifty-eight, almost certainly are set in stone. To discuss, challenge or debate these issues often can lead to discourse that may be abrasive, disrespectful, disconcerting and hostile. It is with one special friend that, shall we say, determined discussions have taken place. I don’t feel we reached the argumentative stage, and at no time did I sense any hostility. However, I have two different and competing dilemmas. I did not initiate any challenge and only stated certain highlights and identifiers on Facebook, which included my distinction as a conservative. At that point the challenge became, “Jesus was a radical at the other end of the spectrum”. I suppose that is to say, Jesus was a progressive, since liberals do not like the “L” word, that He could not have been a conservative because he spent His whole life alleviating the afflictions of the poor and needy, and that, “of coarse”, is counter intuitive to conservatism. But a second assertion, quite different than the labeling of Christ, brought us to an impasse. My good friend’s disputation is that Jesus was, and continues to this day, to be a “big government” activist, and so directs us, shall I say in my own words, to follow Him. It is my opinion that the two are counter competing views. While I gave my friend the benefit of the doubt, that we both desired the same end for the less fortunate of our world, the vehicle for realizing the conclusion of all suffering was the debate. But my friend did not offer me the same consideration. His argument seemed to be; since the instrument or mechanism I would employ to alleviate suffering, private entities and personal charity, did not meet his litmus test of a welfare state, then it must logically follow, I, Bob Crosby, could really care less about the plight of the poor and less fortunate. How do you argue against a straw man insinuation or allegation? I chose to pull back. But something keeps nagging at me. He has no right to categorize Christ in his own terms. Therefore I set out to rethink my position strictly from a biblical standpoint. Prayer and study did not change my position. Seeking advice from those who mentor me and disciple me has not done so either. I must now stand up for Jesus and defend my position, and I believe, biblical fact. I seek to do this in a public arena, my blog. There, folks can leave comment, and no identities need be acknowledged and my class mate can debate or not. The above word “public” I hope will lend credence to the fact that I am open and willing to an honest debate at a location with facts and challenges documented for all time. So, the question stands; was Jesus a big government liberal? Part Two to follow, after I’ve announced the challenge. Rest assured, I will continue with or without my good friend, for there must be others who would stand in for him should he wish not to debate. Any and all are welcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope that the dear friend was not me because I never referred to big government and I never equated radical with progressive, liberal or any other label. It was radical period.