Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Chicken Little's Are Squaking

Another response to you know who, are you getting a pattern here. Ya think!

Reading the letters of Don Fultz is an interesting study of abject condescending hypocrisy, no better displayed than in his most recent (12-26-06) in which he accuses me of debating myself. Mr. Fultz’s silly verbal attacks only demonstrate his lack of knowledge on any subject, including, global warming. His arrogant proclamations and name calling only serve as an attempt to suppress the critical thoughts of those who would challenge his deficiency of sound information. However, Don Fultz remains true to one consistent approach to conflict most liberals exhibit. It is their age-old “stand back and finger point”, “cut and run” modus operandi.

I’m glad to be able to accentuate your amateurish viewpoints Don, because there is excellent, well-documented, scientific information that raises serious questions about the Al Gore assumptions and methods to combating global warming. If my memory serves me correctly, it seems that in the early 70’s you alarmists were raising the red flag on an impending freeze. Just in the nick of time, amazingly, the world corrected itself and the “gloom and doomers” sent up another red flag. You “chicken little’s” ought to get your catastrophic pontifications in order.

When politicians approach the subject of global warming, most have little concern what their policy offerings might cost, and even less, what percentage of effectiveness their course of action might have on naturally occurring phenomenon. The acknowledgement the globe is warming by the President in no way lends credence to any policy change.

President Bush may have made a mistake by not consuming Iraq with overwhelming force, but doubling down and leaving would be catastrophic. The world would certainly feel the effects of a “heat” of untold magnitude and you alarmist can switch to a new flag pole, alerting us all to the nuclear melting of humanity, as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, and Israel go at it in the middle of Iraq’s sand box. Of course “libs” will declare none of that would have happened if not for our action. That just demonstrates a total disregard of history in the hate filled Middle East.

One thing will be certain; there will be a shortage of oil. Most likely the US will have to stay in the fight. The former USSR, reconstituted, will join in to keep some flow moving, and who’s side will they be on? Because of liberal obstruction, their rant that the war on terror was all about oil will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The oil fields and technologies available to us in our own country obstructed by liberals will have to lay dormant while infrastructure is put in place, allowing the greatest economy in the world, that in reality feeds the world, grinds to a halt, and we all line up at our local horse sales showroom to read the disclaimer on the tail-end of our new transportation vehicle that this product causes global warming to a degree much greater than the old method of travel.

Sir, that horse don’t fly, in my humble opinion.

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